In the framework of project PROFOREST CE, on November 24-28th, 2004, Department of Forestry Management in Mountain Regions will organized scientific workshop on “GIS and databases use in forest protection”. It constituted a WP5.6 tasks realization in a range of database and digital maps use in forest protection. Representatives from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Slovak Republic and Ukraine were present.

The meeting covered following issues:
  • digital maps and databases use in research on forests insects occurrence and spatial dynamic,
  • presentation of Geographic Information System (GIS) in the State Forests Holding in Poland,
  • opportunities of insects population dynamic modeling on the base of GIS with example of Slovak and Belgium TANABBO system,
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) use in forest protection against fire and rescue intervention from the air.
During the workshop exchange of information on GIS use in forest protection in each country and works on digital maps and databases creation was carried on. It’s an element of tasks foreseen in WP1.2, WP2.2 and WP7.1.

For more information, please contact with dr Wojciech Grodzki from Department of Forestry Management in Mountain Regions (phone: +48 12 252 82 12,