Dr. Justyna Nowakowska
Senior researcher at the Department of Genetics and Forest Tree Physiology, Forest Research Institute

Research Interests:
In our department we study the diversity of quantitative traits (inbreeding), morphological, phenological and disease-resistance traits of forest trees combined with molecular marker analysis. Several methods of molecular analysis (e.g. RAPD, RFLP, SSR) are performed to determine the most detailed pattern of nested relationships between studied traits and population characteristics. At least 50 different populations of defined forest trees have been assessed in several Forest Districts in Poland. This allows us to complete a phylogenetic study using molecular markers, providing new information about post-glacial colonization of forest tree species in Poland.

International experience and memberships
• Louis Pasteur University Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, Strasbourg, France – Ph. D 1994-1997
• Darmstadt University of technology, Institute of Botany, Germany – consulting visit 29.11.- 06.12.1999
• International Plant Genetics Resources Institute, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management FAO, Gmunden, Austria – training course 30.04. – 11.05.2001
• Institut National des Recherches Agricoles Bordeaux, Orleans, Nancy – consulting visit 11-22.06.2001
• European program GRESO: Genetique et amelioration des arbres forestiers – participation as a Polish member 2002
Language skills (3 foreign)

    Publications ( 5 recent ):

  1. Nowakowska J. 2001. Germins in higher plants (in Polish). Biuletyn IHAR 217/2001: 19-27.
  2. Nowakowska J., Rakowski K. 2002. Accelerated and natural ageing processes change the properties of plasma membrane in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) seeds during storage. Dendrobiology 47: 79-82.
  3. Nowakowska J. 2003. Genetic diversity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Polish provenances based on RAPD analysis (in Polish). Sylwan 11: 26-37.
  4. Nowakowska J., Jab³onowski S., Bieniek J. Mockeliunaite R. 2004. Comparison of genetic variability within and among Polish and Lithuanian populations of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) based on RAPD analysis. Baltic Forestry 10 (1): 57-64.
  5. Nowakowska J. 2004. Genetically modified trees in the forestry – benefits and risks (in Polish). Biotechnologia 3/66: 78-86.