There have been many articles and a few publications published as a result of Proforest activity until now. The articles are mostly in polish but some of them has abstract in English. Proceedings from workshops, conferences and papers elaborated on seminars were published.
- Grodzki W., 2005. The use of databases and GIS in forest protection. Report
from international workshop held on November 25-26, 2004 in Cracow, within a
framework of WP5.6, Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2005/1: 118-121.
- Grodzki W. Jachym M., 2005. GIS in forest protection research and practice.
Results of activities carried out in Workpackages WP1.2, WP2.2, WP5.6, WP7.1
and WP7.2., Zpravodaj ochrony lesa, 2005/11: 45-51.
- Grodzki W., Oszako T., 2004. Dying back of spruce stands in Beskidy Mountains. Proceedings from workshop on the diseases and insect pests occurring in the Norway spruce stands in Beskidy Mts. (Ustroń-Jaszowiec, 13-14.10.2003). Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/1: 170-175.
- Grodzki W., 2004. Threat to Norway spruce stands of insect pests in the western part of Beskidy Mountains. Proceedings from workshop on the diseases and insect pests occurring in the Norway spruce stands in Beskidy Mts. (Ustroń-Jaszowiec, 13-14.10.2003) (abstract in english). Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/2: 35-47.
- Grodzki W., Starzyk J.R.,2004. Windthrowns in selected national parks in the Carpathians, and related research needs concerning forest protection. Paper presented on international conference “Insects outbreaks in managed and unmanaged forests”, held on October 20-23, 2003, Malinówka, Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/3: 119-124.
- Holuša J., Liška J., Kapitola P., Peškova V., Soukup F., 2005. Phytopatological and entomological aspects of healthy of spruce in mountain in Czech Republic. Proceedings from workshop on the diseases and insect pests occurring in the Norway spruce stands in Beskidy Mts. (Ustroń-Jaszowiec, 13-14.10.2003). Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2005/2: 133-138.
- Kulis M., Mijal L., 2004. Threat to spruce stands in Ustroń Forest District. Proceedings from workshop on the diseases and insect pests occurring in the Norway spruce stands in Beskidy Mts. (Ustroń-Jaszowiec, 13-14.10.2003). Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/1: 140-143.
- Kowalczyk J., Gailis A., Jansons Â., 2006. Latvian forest tree breeding programme and conservation of forest genetic resources. The article resulted from visit of 5 young researchers from Latvian Forest Research Institute “Silava” in Department of Genetics and Forest Tree Physiology FRIW, in a range of WP 2.4. Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2006/2: 139-141.
- Kowalczyk J., 2004. Research carried on by Department of Genetics and Afforestation of the Forest Research Institute in Lithuania – paper presented by Vytautas Suchockas on seminar in FRIW. Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/2: 117-118.
- Kowalczyk J., Nowakowska J.,2004. Summer school and workshop of PROFOREST. Note concern summer school on "“Promoting genetic diversity conservation of pine” and workshop "Microsatellite analysis in Scots pine" organized by PROFOREST CoE on August 24-27, 2004 in Sękocin and with field session in Białowieża.Las Polski, 2004/22; 26.
- Kunca A., Leontovyč R., 2004. Role of fungi pathogens in premature breakdown of spruce stands in Slovakia. Proceedings from workshop on the diseases and insect pests occurring in the Norway spruce stands in Beskidy Mts. (Ustroń-Jaszowiec, 13-14.10.2003). Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/1: 135-139.
- Lindelöw A., 2005. Conflict – leaving windfallen spruce trees as dead wood for Ips typographus or biodiversity? The paper presented during workshop WP 5.3 “The effect of forest management on biodiversity of insects”, held on 3-7 July 2004 in Hajnówka.
- Matuszewski G., Oszako T., 2003. New possibilities of science research financing. Prace IBL, Ser. A, 2003/3: 103-107.
- Nowakowska J., Klisz M., 2006. New trends in forest tree genetics in Sweden: 1) Functional genomics and BAPS method in genetic differentiation study of forest tree populations, 2) Nondestructive method of investigation microdensity traits and fiber length in: juvenile and mature wood, heartwood and sapwood, earlywood and latewood. The article resulted from visit in the Umea Plant Science Centre (UPSC) in SLU. Sweden, in a range of WP 4.3. Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2006/2: 142-147.
- Nowakowska J., 2005. Microarray technique used for gene-expression study in woody plants. The article resulted from visitation in 'Instituto de Biologia Meleculary Cellular de Plantas' in Valencia, Spain, in a range of WP 4.3. Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2005/4: 133-137.
- Oszako T.,2005. Seminars organized by PROFOREST, Centre of Excellence on
diseases of forest tree roots. Report from international conferences held on
August 16-21 in Poznań-Białowieża and on October 25-26, 2004 in Jedlnia,
within a framework of WP6.3, Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2005/1: 128-130.
- Paluch R., 2006. Possible limitation of dieback phenomena in broadleaved stands through silvicultural and protective methods. Article concerns international conference organized by PROFOREST Centre of Excellence, held in Puszczykowo on November 14-15, 2005, Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2006/1: 144-146.
- Piwnicki J., 2005. Large-area forest fires - the workshop of PROFOREST,
Centre of Excellence. Report from the task held on September 8-9, 2004,
within a framework of WP5.5, Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2005/1: 130.
- Rakowski K., 2004. Genetical and physiological base of Arabidopsis seed vitality and longevity – paper presented by Krzysztof Rakowski in Oulu University (Finland). Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/2: 113-114.
- Rutkowski A., 2004. Mysterious and danger. Article concern Phytophthora phenomenon and the First Instrnational Conference on Phytophthora, co-organized by PROFOREST Centre of Excellence, held in Jedlnia on October the 25-26, 2004, Echa Leśne, 2004/11: 13-15.
- Smykała J., 2004. Forest management planning status and changes after political and economical transformation in Central Europe. International workshop (Białowieża, 10-12.03.2004). Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/2: 109-112.
- Szczygieł. K., Jagielska A., 2005. Genetic resources conservation by micropropagation and cold preservation of forest tree species. The article resulted from visitation in Department of Biology and Breeding of Forest Tree Species in Jilovisti-Strnady, Czech Republic, in a range of WP 2.5.
Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2005/4: 138-140.
- Szczygieł K., 2004. The Forestry and Game Management Research Institute in Jilovište – Strnady, Czech Republic – paper presented by Helena Cvrčkova and Pavlína Máchova on seminar in FRIW. Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/2: 119-121.
- Taulavuori K., 2004. Plant physiological response to air pollution with
emphasis to lipid peroxidation - paper presented during seminar in FRIW.
Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2004/2: 114-116.
- Voitka D., Oszako T., Kozłowska A., 2005. Phytophthora - a serious danger
for nurseries and forests. Paper resulted from 3-month fellowship carried
out in a frame of WP 3.2. Forest and Hunting Farm (Lesnoje i Ohotniche
Hazajstwo). No 1, 2005:23-25.
- Voitka D.V., Orlikowski L.B., 2005. Third Moscow International
Congress Biotechnology: State of the art and prospects of developments.
Trichoderma spp. micromycetes antagonism study in relation to agents of
Phytophthora genus diseases. Presentation based on knowledge acquired during
internship realized in WP 3.2.
- Voitka D.V., Oszako T., Kozłowska A., 2005. Horse-chestnut leaf miner.
Article based on knowledge gained during internship realized in WP 3.2. Soil
Science and Plant Protection, No 2 (39), 2005: 51.
- Wegensteiner R., 2003. Natural bark beetles enemies: pathogens and its functions – paper presented by Rudolf Wegensteiner on seminar in FRIW. Prace IBL, Ser. A, 2003/3: 102.
- Zając S.,2003. Afforestations in Europe – experiences and prospects. International conference, 6-8.10 2003, Warszawa-Nidzica. Prace IBL, Ser. A. 2003/4: 129-132.