The International Conference
"Protection of soil and water resources in forestry areas"
will be held in Cracow from 8 to 12 of September 2004 at:
Agriculture University - Forestry Faculty
Congress Center
Al. 29 Listopada No. 46
31-425 Cracow
tel. 00 48 12 662 51 74

Conference is organized in the frame of activities of the PROFOREST Centre of Excellence
at the Forest Research Institute in Warsaw (European Union Project No.
QLK1-CT-2002-30315) as Work Package WP 6.2.
The main aims of the project are to develop the network of international cooperation,
integrative activity and education for to foster the development of the forest science
in Europe in protection of forest resources.
8 September - Wednesday
Arrival and accomodation
9 September -Thursday
8.30 Opening of conference
9.30 -12.30 Presentations by invited speakers
12.30 - 14.00 break for lunch
14.00-17.00 Presentations by invited speakers
17.00-18.00 Discussion
19.30 Dinner
10 September - Friday
9.00 - 12.30 Presentations of papers by participants
12.30 - 14.00 break for lunch
14.00-16.00 Presentations of papers by participants
16.00-17.00 Discussion
11 September - Saturday
6.30 - 21.00 Study tour
A one-day study tour is planned on Saturday 11 September to visit samples
of landslides, water retention and forest management in Carpathian Mountains.
The tour will visit sites in Zakopane, Kasprovy Wierch, Czorsztyn, Krościenko.
12 September - Sunday
9.00 Closing of conference
Further information:
Dr inż. Andrzej Boczoń: