Co-operation of the FRI abroad The Institute participates in international co-operation with neighbouring countries, in specific programmes, fora, and organizations: COST Actions (E-16 and E-30), PHARE Projects, EFI - European Forest Institute (FRI Warsaw as founder member, and member of CONFOREST Regional Project Centre), GEF Grants, ECNC – European Centre of Nature Conservation in Tilburg, Black Triangle (Problems of threats to forests in the Sudety Mountains), Convention on Biological Diversity (several working groups), EUFORGEN European Program of Forest Genetic Resources (Noble hardwoods and broadleaves groups), ICP Forest – Intergovernmental Cooperative Pogramme in forest monitoring and the assessment of the influence of pollution on forests, IUFRO – International Union of Forest Research Organisations, IOBC – International Organisation for Biological Control, IPGRI – International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training, FCCC, LULUCF – Framework Convention on Climate Change, special Land Use, Lande Use Change, and Forestry group; participation and organisation of a workshop in Poznan, 2000, MCPFE – European Ministerial Conferences on the Protection of Forests in Europe (participation in performance of several resolutions), UN Economic Commission for Europe (Forest monitoring). The Institute organised several international conferences: Forest Fires, 1998; Insect and Disease Survey in Central Europe, 1998; Forest and Water, 1998, and 2002; Oak Health in Europe, 1999; Afforestations 2003 and other. BACK TO PRECEDING PAGE |